What started as a dark place in grief has turned out to be a beautiful place of healing and joy. May 2, 2016, our son, Kalen, was struck while crossing the street to catch his school bus. Hours later our youngest son was gone. The pain and indescribable grief was a catalyst for change. Within those early moments of darkness, I shaved my head after his passing but hated how I looked. In comes cute frames to help my "look" while my hair grew back.

I would have NEVER imagined being a fashionable, prescription ready eyewear brand three years later, but here we are. Through prayer, grief counseling and amazing faith,

Sunshine Eyes Eyewear was born.

Just added, stunning CUSTOM apparel and accessories!

35% of all proceeds benefit kids in crisis via Kalen's Klosets via www.theblendedfamilyfoundation.com

The "Why" Behind Sunshine Eyes

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